Toshiba DX735-D3201 Review | Toshiba DX735-D3201 Price, Features and Complete Review

The great: The Toshiba DX735-D3201 all-in-one offers a basic set associated with features, including a touch screen and an HDMI enter, for a reasonable price.

The bad: This system offers few standout features, and only baseline acceptable performance in accordance with others in its price range.

The bottom line: The workmanlike Toshiba DX735-D3201 won't dazzle you with leading edge aesthetics or innovative features, but its affordable, capable-enough configuration must have a certain appeal for general purpose users.

The very best Buy-exclusive Toshiba DX735-D3201 is only Toshiba's second all-in-one in the actual U. S., but the $899 price tag and its spare configuration claim that Toshiba has a grip on the basics of the actual stateside desktop market. Like the 21. 5-inch DX1210 WE reviewed last month, the 23-inch DX735 doesn't have numerous interesting extras, but I can recommend this system if all that's necessary it a fast-enough all-in-one with a larger display.

The look of the Toshiba DX735-D3201 is a mirror of the by-the-book DX1210. Glossy black trim rules your day, and while its looks won't win any design... Increase full review

The Best Buy-exclusive Toshiba DX735-D3201 is only Toshiba's second all-in-one within the U. S., but the $899 price tag and its spare configuration claim that Toshiba has a grip on the basics of the actual stateside desktop market. Like the 21. 5-inch DX1210 WE reviewed last month, the 23-inch DX735 doesn't have numerous interesting extras, but I can recommend this system if all that's necessary it a fast-enough all-in-one with a larger display.

The look of the Toshiba DX735-D3201 is a mirror of the by-the-book DX1210. Glossy black trim rules your day, and while its looks won't win any design honours, it's not particularly offensive, either. As with the scaled-down model, the DX735 has a set of buttons quietly, on the left in this unit, that allow fundamental display and audio output control (display settings, volume, and so on. ). It's better to have them than not, but when you're seated while watching system you can't immediately see what button does exactly what.

Next to its competition in the same price variety, the Toshiba DX735-D3201 seems like a fair enough offer, although it also makes me question the price tag about the similar DX1210 and its smaller display. Last year, 23-inch screens were common only at that price, and CPU options ranged from the slow AMD low-power chips within the Dell Inspiron One 2305 to previous-gen Core i5 CPUs in the kind of the Gateway One ZX6951-53.

This year, the lower-end chips appear to have fallen away, and 21. 5-inch displays stand alongside the 23-inch models in the same price scale. I suspect the screen size spread is because of the fact that 1, 920x1, 080-pixel 21. 5-inch displays have dropped in price, and they allow vendors to save costs about the smaller screen while still allowing to claim 1080p HIGH DEFINITION resolution. In any case, and despite its own complicated product lineup, Toshiba deserves credit for continuing to provide a 23-inch all-in-one with a decent CPU for under $1, 000.

WE call the Toshiba's CPU decent because, as our overall performance charts demonstrate, it falls at or near the bottom when comparing its speed with that of similar all-in-ones. It's not far out of contention that it's a complete canine, and in fairness, it's also one of the most affordable systems in this chart. I wouldn't use the DX735 for any type of serious content creation or other performance-sensitive work, but it will serve ably for most day-to-day computing tasks.

Like most all-in-ones nowadays, the Toshiba DX735 offers an HDMI input, which means you are able to directly connect an external video component and display its output about the Toshiba's screen. This is a useful feature for dorms, little apartments, or any other space-constrained locale, since it enables you to go without a separate TV.

As with the D1210, Toshiba also added a set of USB 3. 0 jacks to this unit, along along with four USB 2. 0 jacks, an Ethernet output, as well as an analog audio input/output set. That will satisfy the majority of you, although those with more exotic audio or data connection needs will obviously want to look elsewhere. Also like the D1210, you receive only a basic assortment of touch screen apps using the DX735, essentially only Microsoft's spare suite of marginally useful/entertaining Area apps. The software doesn't hurt at all, but you could also ask why include a touch screen, and its connected costs, to begin with?

If its performance isn't mind-boggling, at least the Toshiba's power consumption scales accordingly. This is among the most power-efficient all-in-ones to ever grace the CNET laboratory, regardless of screen size, CPU, or any other function.

Standard warranty coverage for the Toshiba DX735-D3201 includes twelve months of parts and labor. You also get 24-7 toll-free telephone support, as well as a variety of diagnostic software and services on Toshiba's Site and on the system itself.


Toshiba clearly believes that it can earn profits in the U. S. with utterly by-the-book all-in-ones. There is nothing wrong with that idea, just as there's nothing particularly wrong using the Toshiba DX735-D3201 all-in-one. I can't say that there's anything everything exciting about this desktop, either, but if you require a workhorse all-in-one with a large display for general home computing chores, this system is up to the job.